Sunday supplement

A (possibly) weekly collection of things of interest, whimsy and nonsense.

Some simple, but profound advice from the brilliant Hugh MacLeod:
find something you love

Some links that caught my attention this week:

Interestingness vs truth

Why do Britons drink so much instant coffee?


What your coffee reveals about your personality

Finally, something wonder-filled for Sunday:

Sunday supplement

A (possibly) weekly collection of things of interest, whimsy and nonsense.

God's thoughts

Some links that caught my attention this week:

The Daily Routines of Geniuses

Our Love Affair With the Tablet Is Over

Robert Redford’s five best moments (It’s the ‘Butch Cassidy’ one for me)

 you need to act

(Hugh MacLeod @

Sunday supplement

A (possibly) weekly collection of things of interest, whimsy and nonsense.

“The most remarkable thing about the Pope is that what he is doing should not be remarkable.
He is simply doing what Popes and Christians should do – care for the poor, critique inequity, interrupt injustice, surprise the world with grace, include the excluded and challenge the entitled.”
Shane Claiborne (HT: Janice Upton)
no follow-up questions

Some links that caught my attention this week:

The value of micro habits with Nicholas Bate

Unlock your creativity with visual thinking

Five lesser-spotted things Tony Benn gave the UK

And, finally, another cover version that I think is better than the original:


Sunday supplement

A (possibly) weekly collection of things of interest, whimsy and nonsense.

Making comics is a process by which you strip out the unnecessary noise from a situation until all that is left is the absurd-yet-true core. A cartoonist has to accomplish that feat with as few as four short sentences.

Scott Adams
How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big:
Kind of the Story of My Life

Some links that caught my attention this week:

Not for the faint-hearted: How does a snake eat a crocodile?

For World Book Day: Unread books

If President Obama Can Get Home for Dinner, Why Can’t You?

Sunday supplement

A (possibly) weekly collection of things of interest, whimsy and nonsense.

‘What day is it?”, asked Winnie the Pooh
“It’s today,” squeaked Piglet
“My favourite day,” said Pooh”

 – A A Milne
Dilbert work life balance


Michael Wade reflects: As the work week ends

The 10 best vikings

Scott Berkun on savouring books: Why speed reading is for fools

Ash Beckham on courageous conversations:

Sunday supplement

A (possibly) weekly collection of things of interest, whimsy and nonsense.

The guy who invented the first wheel was an idiot. The guy who invented the other three, he was a genius.

Sid Caesar


To help you declutter and simplify:

4 faulty reasons that we keep too many books

To keep you in decent shape:

5 yoga stretches for busy executives

done with love

And, finally, something from the daughter of someone that I was at university with:

Sunday supplement

A (possibly) weekly collection of things of interest, whimsy and nonsense.

Nicholas Bate - truly juggling








 – Nicholas Bate


For the start of the Winter Olympics: the drama of the games

An interesting perspective on the independence referendum:  … the only option

5 reasons to smile more

two pizzas



Sunday supplement

A (possibly) weekly collection of things of interest, whimsy and nonsense.

Activity of mind … is the only thing that keeps one’s life going.

 Virginia Woolf

Dilbert - good job on the leadership


Make your thinking visible

The four horsemen of mediocrity

World War One: How did 12 million letters a week reach soldiers?

Funny and true – or funny because it’s true?

Sunday supplement

A (possibly) weekly collection of things of interest, whimsy and nonsense.

I have left orders to be awakened at any time in case of national emergency, even if I’m in a cabinet meeting.

 – Ronald Reagan

obvious in hindsight


The case for slacking off

The Apple Mac at 30: See the Evolution of an Icon

Lions and donkeys: 10 big myths about World War One debunked


And finally, an act of bravery: